Warm Words in a Cold Season

Dear Readers,

I have received such an outpouring of beautiful notes after my piece, “Civics at the Yarn Shop” appeared on The Boston Globe’s Opinion Page yesterday, that I need to thank you all for your words.

We live in a time when conversation, dialogue, meeting one another however we can — face to face, face-time, and using the tools of our sometimes-overbearing technology — is the essential business of each day.  To share comfort, questions, and images of hope.

One of my favorite notes came from a woman in Australia, who asked me to continue to share my own stories of hope.  This is the objective I aim for each day when I get up from my desk and enter the stream of the day.

Yesterday, hope appeared in several shapes.  First, your letters.  Second, my church is about to launch a concerted effort to support refugees.  Third, a relative in need of ongoing support found someone to act as a guide.  Fourth, but by no means last, my overweight cat — after a month-long regimen of low-calorie gruel — appears to have lost half a pound.

I am attaching the link to the Globe piece, in case any of you missed it and want to take a peek.


Have a hopeful day.



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