In This Mid-Winter Time, an invitation to Go Deeper
Dear friends,
This week many of you received your copy of my new book of poems, Mending Prayer Rugs.
I have gotten many lovely notes from you, and am so grateful for your encouragement.
Today, I am sharing with my readers a complementary offering, free for the asking. I have created a companion piece — a study guide — to Mending Prayer Rugs. This guide is intended to help you go deeper into the poems, either alone or in a group of fellow writers or seekers, to use the poems as entryways into your own spiritual reflections.
For many years, I found poetry more than a bit daunting, in spite of the fact that I had published several nonfiction books and hundreds of articles. I admired my poet friends from what I felt to be the great distance between their mystical ability with words and my own plodding attempts at meaning.
In private, I tried my hand at poems, but it took many many years before I felt confident enough to show them to anyone, much less try to get one or two published.
Today, these many years later, I see the writing of poems as a form of prayer, a spiritual practice. It is as important to me as a process of discovering the voice of truth within and around me, as it is in the sharing of my discoveries with others.
In the months ahead, I will be speaking to groups and teaching poetry as a spiritual practice, and I am eager to hear from you, if this strikes a cord.
The guide is free and available to you simply by emailing me in the comment window below (or by clicking into the Contact page). And if you know anyone who you feel would like to join us on our journey, send me their contact information and I am happy to connect with them.
I wish you peace and blessings,
Nancy rappaport
March 5, 2025at9:04 amI would love a copy of the study guide!
Kathleen Hirsch
March 5, 2025at12:02 pm
Shanee Barraclough
March 3, 2025at9:55 pmHello Kathleen, I would love a copy of the study guide. I recently reread A sabbath life and am looking forward to your poems. Figuring out the best way to purchase from New Zealand! I connect with the idea of poetry as a spiritual practice, and look forward to hearing more from you about this.
Many thanks for this offering,
Kathleen Hirsch
March 4, 2025at7:28 amDear Shanee,
Wonderful to hear from you! The book will be available again on Amazon in two days — a textual correction was required, but it will be back up soon. Also on Barnes & Nobles site. I hesitate to send you the study guide before you have the book — happy to either wait until I hear from you again with book in hand, or just send now. Let me know your preference.
March 3, 2025at9:45 pmHi Kathleen,
I would love to have a copy of the study guide o go with the book. So sorry that I won’t be in Boston to attend the reading on Thursday but I know it will be wonderful.
Kathleen Hirsch
March 4, 2025at7:30 amOf course!!!
Irene Mazer
March 3, 2025at8:07 amI would love a copy of the guide. I’ve been reading you since 1990. Your books remain some of my dearest ones on my shelves.
Kathleen Hirsch
March 4, 2025at7:31 amDear Irene,
I’m deeply touched to read that you’ve been reading me for so long! I will send along the study guide directly. Do stay in touch!
Karen Dasey
March 1, 2025at6:59 amHi, Kathleen.
I would love a copy of your study guide. Thank you for sharing. I love the way you write.
Congratulations on Mending Prayer Rugs. I look forward to picking up a copy as I need a new inspirational read.
Kathleen Hirsch
March 2, 2025at12:50 pmKaren,
I’m thrilled that you want to read my poems, and will forward you a copy of the study guide. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, if you are doing online. It was taken offline the other day to correct a typo, but should be back up soon, if not already.
Nancy Rappaport
February 27, 2025at3:04
Kate Baker-Carr
February 27, 2025at12:26 pmEager to receive the study guide; I know it will enrich my reading. Thank you-
Ann Lafferty
February 27, 2025at11:53 amI’m happy to say I got your book. Now I just need a little quiet time after my daughter returns to CA. I would love the guide, too, please!
Kathleen Hirsch
March 4, 2025at7:32 amHappy to send, Ann!