Colored Chalk Before It Rains

How wonderful is colored chalk?  And did you ever stop wishing you could squat down with a thick stick of bright pink or yellow or green and bring the world up to the standards of your dreams?

Children’s graffiti is always revelation.   The other day I stumbled upon a small cache of dreams right there on the asphalt of the park, by a bench that undoubtedly held a mother or some suitable female substitute, while two girls made the world a brighter and happier place.

It takes so little.

In response, I offer my own bits of wishful thinking for the start of the last precious month of meandering thoughts and bright blue moons…

Love your friends

and your friends’ children;

Be generous.

Live by grace.

Practice positive regard.

Be unstinting.

Pursue excellence.

Wear your mother’s jewelry.

Loan your favorite books.

Bring gifts back from your travels.

Dance – whenever you can!

Look those who serve you in the eye.

Be Grateful.


Practice infinite patience.

Especially when this is hard to do.

Protect innocence.

Honor beauty.

Conduct your life as if goodness and love were the highest names for the holy

and you its nearest willing host.

Just saying…




  • Nancy K

    August 5, 2017at5:36 pm Reply

    The gentleness of this peace and the playfulness and the “open your eyes invitation” touches me and I will walk out with this tonight and the rest of the month. Thank you so much Kathleen for reminding us that despite all that the worldly news tries to tell us, as Gerard Manley Hopkins said, “There lives the dearest, freshest deep down things.”

    • kathleen.hirsch

      August 6, 2017at2:41 pm Reply

      A magical reminder of your own, dear Nancy. Thanks so much.

  • Sue O'Reilly

    August 4, 2017at5:09 pm Reply

    Oh, this was so playful!
    I would write
    sayings of my own
    on the sidewalk
    if a week’s work
    did not make me so

    • kathleen.hirsch

      August 5, 2017at5:58 am Reply

      Perhaps this is exactly when you DO need to dab a bit of color on your grey walks? Be kind to yourself!

  • Susan Porter

    August 4, 2017at3:38 pm Reply

    Such lovely guidelines for August, Kathleen. I feel as though everything on the list ties back into “Be generous.” Generous with others and with ourselves in this season of slower motion and nature’s bounty. There is peace all around us in the small favors we give and receive even in the midst of political chaos on the big stage. Thanks for the reminder.

    • kathleen.hirsch

      August 5, 2017at5:57 am Reply

      How I love the idea of generosity, and abundance, Susan. We have what we need, and can give it without losing one ounce of it. Share this thought! The world needs it!

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