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On Sale Now!

Mending Prayer Rugs

by Kathleen Hirsch

A collection of poems that celebrate women – seekers, sinners, and reluctant saints – threading the light and dark of their journeys through heartbreaking, unfathomably miraculous days.
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Mending Prayer Rugs by Kathleen Hirsch
Image by Marguerite Gignoux
Mending Prayer Rugs by Kathleen HirschMending Prayer Rugsby Kathleen HirschOn sale now!A collection of poems that celebrate women – seekers, sinners, and reluctant saints –
threading the light and dark of their journeys through heartbreaking, unfathomably
miraculous days.
Image by Marguerite Gignouxamazon link to bookBarnes & Noble book link

…an exceptional eye, a wide-ranging knowledge, a mastery of the musical line, and an ability to embed “scraps of scripture” and the lexicon of worship unobtrusively into her work result in a tapestry that is utterly gorgeous… I hope women everywhere read this book.

Marjorie Stelmach, Falter, Night Drawings, A History of Disappearance, Without Angels

Beneath the clarity of her images there is something rich and alive in these poems, shimmering beneath the surface.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes, Unfolding Light

Tenderness is stitched into each design. Hirsch is a poet who listens well and weaves with care. A beautiful book!

Linda Hoffman, The Artist and the Orchard: A Memoir

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I have created a study guide for my poems, Mending Prayer Rugs, to help you tap into your own questions as you read them. When you send me your contact information, I’ll happily send you this offering, and add you to my list of readers. As we navigate these days, I invite you to come alongside me.

'Mending Prayer Rugs' study Guide

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